Monthly Report in September 2022 (in Japan)
This page presents the monthly report in September 2022 by Japanese radio meteor observers. The activity level, results of meteor showers are reported on this site.
Aurgids showed outburst in 2021 did not show a clear activity in 2022. The activity was predicted that it became much weaker activity than last year by Mr. Mikiya Sato. The peak was predicted at λ⊙=158°.67. As the prediction, we were not able to detect an unusual activity around the predicted time.

Radio Meteor Observations report in Japan (RMOJ)
The report of Radio Meteor Observations in Japan was published as RMOJ No.251. Observers were as following.
Kenji Fujito, Hirofumi Sugimoto, Masaki Tsuboi, Hirotaka Ohtsuka, Norihiro Nakamura, Masaki Kano, Kazuki Matsushita and Hiroshi Ogawa.