What is Radio Meteor Obseration ?

This page provides contents of “What is Radio Meteor Observation ?" and information of Japanese Radio Meteor Observation.

The mechanism and feature of Radio Meteor Observation

(1) Mechanism
(2) Why observe ?
(3) Kind of Radio Meteor Observation

Japanese Radio Meteor Observation

(1) History
(2) Transmitting Stations and using frequencies
(3) Receiving Stations (using devices)
(4) Useful Software “HROFFT" – (Instructions)

How to Analyze

After you get great data, let’s count and anlyze data. Besides, we looking forward to reporting your data.
(1) How to count in the case of HROFFT
(2) How to count in the case of FFTDSP4


After you analyze, please send me your repot. This project analyzes worldwide data and total activities of meteor showers.
icon send your data

Posted by h-ogawa