October Draconids Meteor Shower (Peak Time and Condition)

October Draconids sometime shows strong activity. Recent outburst occured in 2018, 2012 and 2011. This meteor shower has the charactristic which is very slow geocentric velocity as 20km/s. Radio Meteor Observations is also possible to catch its activity when outburst occured. On the other hand, however, it is difficult to find a clear activity under not-outburst.

Information of October Draconids

Name (code) October Draconids (009 DRA)
Active Visual(IMO) Oct.6th – Oct.10th
Radio(IPRMO) Oct.8th – Oct.9th
Maximum Visual(IMO) λ=195°.4
Radio(IPRMO) -(not clear)
Radiant α = 262° / δ = +54°
feature ZHR(max):var., r=2.6, V:20km/s
Radio) no detail information
Parant Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner

Reference and Useful Links

2021 Meteor Shower Calendar (International Meteor Organization)
– A new Working List of meteor showers (Rainer Arlt et al), WGN 34:3(2006)
– Meteor Shower Workbook 2014 (J.Rendtel) ? International Meteor Organization (2014)
– Major and Daytime Meteor Showers using Radio Meteor Observation in the World covering the period 2001-2016(H.Ogawa and C.Steyaert), WGN 45:4(2017)
The American Meteor Society (AMS)

Conditions in the future (2021-2025) for Radio Meteor Observations

Below lists are observig conditions for radio meteor observers in 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025. This is listed for radio observers (NOT for visual observers). You can see visual observing conditions as following AMS site.
icon Conditions for Visual Observers (by AMS)

Conditions in North America

Time : Daylite-Saving Time

Year Peak Time and Condition (λ=195°.4) Comments for Radio Obs.
Year Peak Time and Condition
2021 Oct 8th 15hbest Oct 8th 14hbest Oct 8th 13hbest Oct 8th 12hbest Oct 8th 11hgood under best condition
2022 Oct 8th 22hbest Oct 8th 21hbest Oct 8th 20hbest Oct 8th 19hbest Oct 8th 18hbest under best condition
2023 Oct 9th 04hbad Oct 9th 03hnormal Oct 9th 02hnormal Oct 9th 01hnormal Oct 9th 00hgood low radiant elevation
2024 Oct 8th 10hnormal Oct 8th 09hnormal Oct 8th 08hnormal Oct 8th 07hnormal Oct 8th 06hbad low radiant elevation
2025 Oct 8th 16hbest Oct 8th 15hbest Oct 8th 14hbest Oct 8th 13hbest Oct 8th 12hbest under best condition

Major cities (example)
AST(Halifox, etc.), EST(NewYork,Ottawa, etc.), CST(Cicago, etc.), MST(Denver, etc.), PST(LosAngeles, etc.)

Conditions in Other region

Time : Standard Time (NOT daylight-saving time)

Year Peak Time and Condition (λ=195°.4) Comments for Radio Obs.
GMT(UK) CET(Italy) IST(India) JST(Japan)
Year Peak and Condition
2021 Oct 8th 18hnormal Oct 8th 19hnormal Oct 8th 23hnormal Oct 9th 03hbad Europe is better condtion
2022 Oct 9th 01hNormal Oct 9th 02hGood Oct 9th 06hBad Oct 9th 10hBad West Europe is better
2023 Oct 9th 07hNormal Oct 9th 08hNormal Oct 9th 12hGood Oct 9th 16hBest East Asia is better
2024 Oct 8th 13hBest Oct 8th 14hBest Oct 8th 18hBest Oct 8th 22hGood West Asia is better
2025 Oct 8th 19hBest Oct 8th 20hBest Oct 9th 00hGood Oct 9th 04hbad Europe under best condition

GMT:United Kingdom, CET:Itarly, IST:India, JST:Japan

Results of October Draconids by Radio Meteor Observations

Result of October Draconids is recorded by worldwide radio meteor observers.
icon Result of October Draconids

Posted by h-ogawa